
Thursday 26 October 2017

Canterbury Swim School

This week we have been swimming on Canterbury Swim school. We have to swim to the end of the swimming pool and practice doing backstroke when we know how to do backstroke. After one day we jumped at the jumping board when we are jumping on the jumping board and it was my turn I was feel nervous. But after I jumped on the jumping board I got more fun doing it that's why I got to do it many times until we finished doing swimming. The reason they teach us how to swim that's why you can swim on the water not drowning on the water and if your drowning the easy way to do'it do a backstroke you just lay down on the water and look up straight that's why you can only float to the water and only you have to do is move you foot and swim away from the water. This was the last of the swimming lessons they have to jump on the jumping board all of them they will have a turn to do it and they only have to do the same thing like we did this days of swimming lessons.

And I got a lot more better at doing backstroke at swimming. The backstroke is also fun because you just gonna lay down on the water and you will automatically float on the water. This is also for safety because if you down know how to swim you can just lay down on the water and you will float.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


This week Me and Quaid we have been reading Instructions how to play MANCALA. Then we have to play this game and first we have to read the instructions before we played it. Because if you did not read it and some one says they no how to played it and they cheated. That's why we made a slide show how to play the MANCALA that's why they will play well at the games and that's why no one can cheated on this game.

                            Here some slide shows How to play MANCALA