
Sunday 26 July 2020

Hurumanu 3

In Hurumanu 3 I read a text about gold miners and I made a DLO and I used google drawing to make it what I have done is put some information about what was happening to the gold miners. Here is the DLO that I have.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Maths Mean, Median and Mode

In Maths we did Mean, Median, and Mode so we learned about it. So I have made a slide show that is showing how the Mean, Median and Mode so here is the slide that I have done.

Healthy and Unhealthy Relatonships

In wananga we learned about Healthy and Unhealthy relationships. So we have to write down what we know about it so I put my one in a google docs here is what we did.`
  1. It is important to have a healthy relationship because there is a chance it will be lasting longer.
  2. Good desire to be with people - this creates less stress.
  3. Better self-esteem, happier, positive.
  4. Great sense of purpose - learning.
  5. Being positive in everything you do.
  6. Parents, Adults, Auntie, Friends, Couples, Teacher, Relatives, Caregivers, Religion relationships
  7. Married people breaking up because of the stress
  8. Parents taking their anger out to their children and abusing them because if the stress
  9. Stress Modern day, Physical violence, Lack of trust, Jealousy and insecurity

What can we do about it
  1. Seeing an adult, Whae Jude, Mr Mitchell, Miss Turner.

Healthy Relationship
Unhealthy Relationship
Parents taking their anger out to their children
Better self - esteem Happier and positive
Great sense of purpose - Learning
Give each other privacy
Respecting each other
Loyal to other people
Lack of trust



Being loyal

Monday 20 July 2020

Becoming a Martian

In Hurumanu 3 we answered some questions about going to Mars and what you need to survive in
Mars. Here is the activity that we did

  1. When can a mission to Mars ( or from Mars ) happen? Why? It can happen every 26 months where Mars and Earth are closest points in the orbit.
  2. What are two geological features of Mars? Mars is known as the red planet because of the colour and a largest volcano in the solar system.
  3. What is one possible solution from the story about oxygen on Mars? One possible solution about oxygen in Mars is by sending the robot and splitting the Carbon Dioxide into a carbon monoxide and oxygen.
  4. If it doesn’t rain on Mars, where does the water come from? The water can come from water vapour and you can extract it in the air and there are some polar caps mixed although water from his needs to be treated using desalination plants.
  5. How will people get food one Mars? What is a possible solution? One possible solution is to plant plants on mars but you have to grow without soil and there is one crop that does not grow with soil it grows without soil martian crops can also be grown in a special nutrient rich water.

Volcanic activity found on Mars; Martian meteors make stunning ...