
Thursday 28 October 2021

Technology Social Studies

 Technology has changed the way we communicate

 Why it matters - In the past 85 years the first computer was made, the computer technologies now a days are far more advance than last time, it improve a lot through this past 85 years it has been easier now to use.

Evidence - On computers now we can access social media to communicate to others and watch things, we could even play games on computers now a days.



For the past 4 weeks in PE we have been doing Gymnastic. We used 6 apparatus the Trampoline, Mat/floor, Mini tramp, Parallel Bars, Beam and Bar. There were lots of things that challenge me like doing a Forward roll on the floor, also doing a Hip circle on the Bar but the most challenging for me was trying to the a somersault and land on feet. One achievement for me was that I was able to do a flip but not standing up on the mini tramp and on the trampoline. 

 Gymnastics Assessment

Name: _________Joshua_________ Class: ____BF____ Date: ____29 Oct____

SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)


  • Lower arm walk

  • Swing

  • Back Dismount

  • Forward Dismount

  • Forward roll


  • Straight Jump

  • Jump Full turn

  • Tuck Jump

  • Dive Roll

  • Somersault to land on feet


  • Forward roll

  • Backward roll

  • Headstand

  • Handstand

  • Cartwheel

  • Bridge


  • Side Mount

  • Jump over Cone 

  • Forward roll

  • Straddle Dismount


  • Toe Shoot

  • B/wd Hip Circle

  • B/wd Hip Circle Mount


  •  Controlled bounce

  •  Straddle jump

  •  Full Turn

  •  Seat Drop

  •  Front drop


truMp = Managing Self

  • I have a can do attitude


  • I have my PE Uniform

Never ------------------------------------------|Always

  • I give up trying

Never ---------------------|---------------------Always

  • I disrupt others

Never |------------------------------------------Always


Wednesday 27 October 2021

Humanities Essay Planning

 Text: Abomination

Author: Robert Swindells


Article 1: Breaches of HR/Human Rights Article in text - Breach means to not have followed it or broken it.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. 

-Means no one is born different from others-can't be born into slavery and kept in a cage.

-You have access to basic human rights- food, water and shelter.

Martha - Born into religious cult, has basic rights but no personal freedom. 

- Martha is treated like a slave by her parents.

* Quotes - No friends because righteous.

I know I seem weird to then, but its not me, inside I'm just like them. Page 18

- Not allowed radio.  

The Righteous believe the devil reaches young people through pop music.  Page 11

- Main story idea

- Makes us feel empathy /depressed sympathy for Martha.

We forgive Martha for keeping the secret about Jim because she is also suffering.

Do you think the issue was resolve in a way that was fair to the Human Rights.

Yes - She went to live with her sister gets new clothes not treated line slaved or different.

Abomination/Jim - Born and kept in a cage not allowed outside.

- Has basic human rights.

- Lost rights to education, love, freedom, socialisation. 

- No clothes.

- Quotes - Kid in the Basement, Martha to Scott.

Abomination's a boy, Scott. A little boy. He lives in the cellar in a cage. Page 143

- Quotes - Jim doesn't see his mum.

And she let her kid live in a cage?... She doesn't know!. Page 146

- Why do you think the author included this?

Good story telling.

- Builds suspense and tension.

- Feel sorry for Jim, feel angry at her parents.

- Shows negative influence of bullying.

Abomination: Resolved - gets socialise, see his mum, clothes, freedom, privacy, love.

Trauma -  Not gonna have a normal life.

Wednesday 20 October 2021



In the school holidays what I did was just watching some anime and movies, the things I did physically during the holidays was running and walking outside our house. Intellectually I realised that I learned how to be patient and wait for the school holidays to be over and get back to school. There was one thing that I have learned a word that I have never seen before or heard before and it is Gallus gallus domesticus try to find out what it means. That is what all I did during the Holidays.

Sunday 17 October 2021

Social Studies


In Social studies we have to write a definition of Technology here is what I think the definition of Technology.

Technology is more than smarter than a normal person, its knowledge is far bigger than human thinking even though the people who build it are smart.Technology Sector Definition