
Sunday 30 July 2017

How to make a good blog comment.

We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.

1.To Make a comment better it's good to have a connection.
2.Always a good thing to ask a Question at the End of your comment.
3.Positive and be specific.
4.Write near faction Information how old it how tall is it.
5.Compliment the writer in a specific Way.

Before you comment watch this video and you can learn how to comment positive or be specific.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Easter Island Model creation

 W.A.L.T     create a model that shares something  we have bean learnt about our mystery.

Hi guys. This is my model creation about the Easter Island look like we did not put trees on Easter Island because the Easter Island don't have a trees because the people at Easter Island cut the trees to move the moia statues. Aisa, Travis, Keyana, Lyan, and I worked together to finish this Easter Island.

Start drawing 

I start drawing the Island Land first I use the pencil that's why if I got a mistake we can rubber it but after I draw it I did not get mistake and after i draw it on a pencil I draw it on a pentel pen and I trace it that's why my drawing gets brighter that's why we can sea it.

Paper mache

We start cutting the paper and get a glue. When my group finished reaping the paper we started paper mached the Island and we paper mache the Island for 1 week and then my group start helping me to paper mache the Island that's why we can finished it.


We start panting after we finished the paper mache and all of my group get a turn to paint the Island and then Travis and I start making the little moia statues we made a hips of statues to put them around the Island and I counted how many moias on the island then I started counting the moia and the moias 20 pices.


I putted the 20 moias around the island but there are to many that's why my group helped me to put the moias around the island then after we put the moias I made the plat form and the people at Easter Island They could the plat form ahu and then we put 4 moias at the to of the plat form.